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Meet The Talented Artist " Krul Sd "


                                        Read and meet the Talented Designer on Stardoll " Krul44 "

#1 Can you give a little intoduction about your self ?

1. First of all, id like to thank Rainparty for inviting me to be a part of her blog . Shes such a sweetheart ya'll! Im Rumaysa, an art enthusiast and Im from Mauritius. Well most of my friends know me by 'Krul' which is my in game pseudonym on basically every game platform since like 5 years now (Innovation 100 xD) I initially came back to stardoll last year in my summer holidays to kill time for a few months, until quarantine happened and well.. here we are 

#2 How you started Designing?
2. Hmm I started designing random stuff when I rejoined the game last year- Starting with lashes, eyes, and lenses. I remember wanting purple eyes once but since most designers focus on realistic face parts, It was pretty hard to find them. I then decided to make my own and eventually, after experimenting with the pieces, i managed to make my first eye.- I remember my first designs looking extra wonky but with the support of my precious friends who encouraged me to keep going, I eventually found my own style of designing and stuck to it.

 #3 Who is your favourite StarDesigners? 
3. Oh my! Well there are so many amazing designers out there that I love, its honestly impossible to list them all! Kikinka4.12, Soriguru and Sakura.t make lovely wigs that feed my inner weeb. Im a big fan of Danny's diverse range of accessories and wigs designs on both of their accounts- Akaikitsune and Aomicchi. Cybercandy made a bunch of my favorite eye designs in the game as well as some super cute elf ears im really fond of! leticiamodi certainly stunned us all with her amazing talent and creativity. The list goes on and on! What keeps me on stardoll is designing as well as witnessing other's creations. To me, designing is vast and honestly, it could be in terms of suite designing, or even dressing up; not just stardesign creations

#4 Can you Descirbe your style ? 
Pretty diverse - everything I made so far are mostly inspired from character arts I really love. In particular, 'ancient japanese' and fantasy are what my style essentially revolves around, but Ive been working on a bunch of new stuff lately! As for my constructive style, right now, i'm mostly focused on semi-realism. I only started designing wigs and accessories (on and off due to my lack of free time) some months ago and im still experimenting and growing as a designer myself. Once Im done with my exams (in december), Id like to try and divert a bit, to making more realistic wigs from time to time.

#5 What advice you would like to share with new designers ?
Im not really that experienced myself but some general advices would be first of all, not to give up. Most of us- even experienced designers probably struggle from time to time with getting their designs to look the way they want it to be. Every designer has their own styles and designing techniques. It takes a lot of practice and time to find your own, as well as to master it. If you're new at designing and struggling, dont worry; Its all part of the learning process. Im always open to help and im sure many other designers would be happy to! 🙂 And finally, find something that inspires you! Personally I can't really design unless i find something that I really love and feel urged to make. Dont be afraid to step out of the box and design things that are out of the ordinary!- Its always a pleasure to see people bringing out their creative sides on stardoll 

Thankyou For Taking your time and Reading this interview and meeting with Creative  person  .I hope you Enjoyed reading this . Drop your Thoughts in the Comment section . Visit Krul44 Today 



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